European Ballet 27 conversation with László Kriszt choreographer
Hungarian artists have made a proposal for the creation of the “Europe Ballet 27″!
the application is out there, waiting for the result
In English, they proposed a Europe Ballet 27, Hungarian dance directors and choreographers to implement the European Union’s highest cultural leaders, a unique European cultural project so far. Before our readers, László Kriszt, director-choreographer, is not known, and he was glad to have the news.
- What do you know about creating this new European Ballet?
It is a long-standing idea that we recently introduced, a European Union application, so you can now talk about it publicly.
- Why couldn’t we talk about it so far?
Because in recent years, we have been trying so much for this idea, but nowhere were we curious about it, so we stayed with our creative colleagues that only after being admitted to a major international European Union competition would we go out to the public and this is now the case time.
- Recently, we wrote “A series of cultural programs to promote Hungary’s reputation”, which, among other things, is also related to your name, was it in it?
– We look forward to it!
Well, the essence is that we would set up Europe ‘s first common, large ballet company called Europe Ballet 27, which will include the 27 member states (now we have left England, because of Brexit) with 1-2 dancers, and the five candidate candidate countries. is also represented. “Europe Ballet 27″ will stay together for two years, the first year, in the first half, gathering together modern and classic ballet training and choreographic style exercises. In the second half of the first year, the first joint large modern ballet, “Gershwin Story”, which is the work of George Gershwin, will be completed, a two-part modern ballet made by Hungarian composers, and the ballet will
be produced by Hungarian artists. In the second year, the Europe Ballet 27 would take part in a 1-year European Union tour, and Europe’s first ballet ensemble would be introduced in every European capital.
- That would be a huge opportunity for Hungarian culture and dance!
Yes, that is no doubt. But this project is a great challenge for us as well, since Hungarian choreographers have to be created internationally, and this international dancing team must be excellent in keeping together and providing the conditions.
- Well, this is a really big project!
Yes it is undoubtedly, but to enhance it. In the third year, to take over the leadership of Europe Ballet 26, one of the best directors, choreographers, set designers and costume designers of another member country. So, the Europe Ballet 27 would send new dancers to the member states, every third year, and along with it, a new member country could realize their own creative dance project,
which the European public could see in the second year of the European tour.
- And this project didn’t need anyone here?
Unfortunately, no one had to, or simply could not get to the right (decision-making) level, this is also conceivable. However, in both dancers and creators, there would be a place in the world for the best.
- Then this is no longer a Hungarian project, but a European project?
No, it’s wrong. That they were sent everywhere did not deal with us here, just the other way around. We insisted on applying for the first two years, with the collaboration of Hungarian creators, like / arranging, choreography, costume scenery, light plans, etc. / the first project year, here in Hungary, the choreographies, the dance performance of the whole evening would be prepared here. and the idea itself comes from Hungarian creators. We also wrote in the application, “we want to stay Hungarian, but Europeans are Hungarians”. We are convinced that if the European Union and the Hungarian Government are more attentive to each other, great results can be gained from this, and this Europe Ballet 27 can be a good example.
- What can be used to finance such a giant project?
Partly the Member States would provide the financial basis for the joint project, and partly the European Union’s cultural fund, not least the big European companies. Don’t forget, we’re talking about a 1-year, Europe-wide tour / from the second year /, not to mention that if this Hungarian idea, “Gershwin Story” is a two-part modern ballet, you can get to the capitals of Europe To the United States. Then the border, the star sky! So this is a unique, new idea that they will look into the world and the Hungarian dance art needs.
- How can you bring together so many country dancers?
The ballet’s form language is French, the modern dance is English, so it’s no problem. As far as diversity is concerned, this is the point, as the dancers of the 27 Member States will bring their own national traditions, and this will have an incredible artistic power. Because it is the symbol of our project / Diversity of Europe and its artistic strength.
- That would be really breathtaking!
Not so much, believe it. In which we Hungarians were good and our creativity. We have always been good at this, and if the Hungarian Government notices this and creates the conditions for Hungary’s international creative ideas, it will be much more successful in marketing the country, although it is still good Because we confess, we can export a few things from America to Hungary, especially American culture, but as you can see, it’s not impossible!
-Would you mention a few of the creators, known, experienced, young, who are they?
No, I don’t want to mention anybody now, because most of them work in dance ensembles and only take part in public participation in this project if they are absolutely sure.
- Ok I see. Then how do you proceed?
We are waiting and, as we have entered into a partnership with the European Union’s cultural leadership, at a big press conference, we will report on the details and everything that belongs to this great European project, as this can be the success of the whole of Hungary.
- Thank you for the interview!